Beautiful, Resilient Plants with Environmental Benefits
Create habitat for birds, bees, and butterflies
In our Garden Shops at Garden in the Woods and Nasami Farm, you'll find an ever-increasing selection of annual and perennial herbaceous plants, including grasses and ferns, as well as shrubs, trees, and vines that are native to New England and its ecoregions. (See shop details and hours on right.)
Many of our plants start from seed that is sustainably harvested from wild populations throughout our region, building in genetic diversity and resilience. All the plants we sell are grown without pesticides or chemical fertilizers, so they will delight your eye and support the insects and other animals that depend on them.
For guidance on planning your native plant garden:
- Use our Garden Plant Finder: a searchable database where you can discover plants native to New England that will thrive in your garden conditions.
- Visit our Ecological Gardening page for tips on how to work with, not against nature to achieve a beautiful, sustainable garden.
- Learn how the nursery staff at Nasami Farm grows plants from seed.
Click the arrows at the right of each headline below for complete information.
Our 2025 plant list is now available! We are ready to take your pre-orders via the Garden in the Woods shop email address for pickup at either location.
Our 2025 Plant Selection
Plan your garden with our plant list—updated every Thursday during open season
All plants for sale this season are:
- included in our 2025 plant list, available to download as a PDF or an Excel document
- sold individually at both Garden in the Woods' and Nasami Farm's Garden Shops during the growing season
- available for pre-order when the current plant list is posted (some exceptions may apply)
Tips for Using Our Plant List
- The Excel version is sortable. For example, if you are looking only for shrubs, sort by category. If you are looking for plugs, sort by size.
- The PDF version is printable and can be filled out like an order form.
Information in Our Plant List
Plant category: Fern, grass, shrub, sub-shrub, tree, vine, or wildflower
Pot size:
- Each container includes a single plant.
- Size is usually given as pot volume, such as 1- or 2-gallon.
- "Tru Gal" is a bit larger than 1 gallon
- "2 gal S" plants are smaller than other plants of the same species sold in the same size pot.
- Plant height is included where known.
- Container seedlings (“cont sdlg”) are shrub and tree seedlings/saplings in approximately 3” wide x 9” tall pots.
- Plugs are smaller than 1 qt. seedlings grown in seed trays. Plugs are sold individually.
Provenance: Seed source for species grown from seed. "Unknown" indicates that either the seed source is undetermined, or else the plants were not grown from seed. Some species are listed more than once, because in some cases we offer seed-grown and non-seed-grown plants.
Prices: Regular retail price is listed. See the Special Pricing box below for discounts available to Native Plant Trust Members, nonprofit organizations, and landscape professionals.
Availability: During the growing season, the plant list will be updated weekly on Thursdays, noting the current and projected availability at each location. We cannot anticipate crop delays and the pace of sales in our forecasts, so projected availability is approximate.
How to Shop for Plants
Shop in person or pre-order
Shop for plants two ways:
- In person at Garden in the Woods or Nasami Farm, and take your plants home immediately. See right sidebar for location details and hours.
- Pre-order plants for pickup at either Garden in the Woods or Nasami Farm. Note: If you want to pre-order plants from Nasami Farm before April, please use this email address:
How to Pre-order Plants
- Select your plants
- Use our plant list to choose plant types, sizes, and quantities for your project.
- For help choosing your plants, contact our plant sales team (see below).
- Email your order to our plant sales team
- For Garden in the Woods pickup, email; for Nasami Farm pickup, email Note: If you want to pre-order plants from Nasami Farm before April, please email
- Include your name, email address, and phone number.
- If you are a Native Plant Trust member, include your membership number in order to apply your discount. To become a member or renew your membership, let us know and we can include this in your quote!
- If you are a nonprofit organization or a landscape professional, please register with us to receive discounts and/or tax exemption and authorization to pay by purchase order. You must register before we can apply these benefits, and we require appropriate documentation.
- List the plants you would like to order. Be sure to include species name, pot size, and provenance for each plant to ensure you receive the correct items.
- Plant sales staff will create a quote and send it to you within a few days. (During peak times, your quote may take a little longer—thank you for your patience!)
- A 100% deposit is required to reserve your plants. Payment instructions will be included with your quote.
- When your plants are ready, our plant sales staff will email you to schedule pickup. Please read our Plant Pickup Expectations below.
- Returns and refunds:
- We work hard to provide high-quality plants in excellent condition to every customer. However, if your project plans change or you are dissatisfied with a plant you have received, please contact us at to arrange an exchange or refund.
- If we cannot provide a plant you pre-ordered, you will receive a refund.
Plant Pickup Expectations
- Our Plant Sales staff makes every effort to keep every plant healthy for our customers. However, plants are happiest in the ground, and if reserved plants are not picked up promptly, our staff cannot guarantee the condition of the plant.
- If all plants in your order will be available at a similar time, your order will be scheduled for a single pickup.
- If plants in your order will be available at different times during the season, our staff will notify you when a group of your plants becomes available.
- Once you have been notified that your plants are available for pickup, you must reply within 3 days and schedule a pickup date and time that falls within 7 days of receiving our notification.
- If you cannot pick up your plants within this time frame, you must contact plant sales staff to discuss an extension.
- If you do not arrange an extension within 10 days of receiving your pickup notice, we may return your plants to inventory, and we can no longer guarantee availability.
Plant Collections—Revised and Expanded for 2025
13 options to fill a special spot, feed birds and pollinators & build climate resilience
All collections contain 8 herbaceous plants (1 of each species) and will be available for pick up at Garden in the Woods or Nasami Farm. Plants are in 2-quart or 1-gallon containers unless otherwise noted.
*NEW* Some collections are accompanied by woody plant companion recommendations intended to increase the collection's ability to support wildlife and solve your garden challenges. (NOTE: Woody plant companions are not included in collection pricing. To purchase these companion species, refer to the "How to Shop for Plants" box below.)
To order:
● Email our Plant Sales team at, specifying collection names, quantities, and pickup location. Be sure to include your contact information.
● Our team will create and send you a quote. Accept your quote and pay the required 100% deposit to reserve your Collection.
● You will receive a scheduling email when your Collection is ready for pickup.
● For further information about pre-ordering plants, see the "How to Shop for Plants" box, above.
Keystone Natives Collection – Spring/Summer

Keystone plants are valued for their outsized ability to sustain many ecological relationships more than other plants. The collections below and the recommended woody plant companions (sold separately; see Plant List for availability) offer a convenient way to create a wildlife haven in your garden.
Anticipated species:
Fragaria vesca (woodland strawberry)
Geranium maculatum (wild geranium )
Viola sororia (common blue violet)
Zizia aurea (golden Alexanders)
Antennaria plantaginifolia (pussy-toes)
Erigeron pulchellus (Robin’s plantain fleabane)
Thalictrum dioicum (early meadow rue)
Packera obovata (running groundsel)
Recommended woody plant companions (sold separately; see Plant List for availability):
Salix discolor (pussy willow)
Aronia melanocarpa (black chokeberry)
Amelanchier sp. (serviceberry/shadbush)
Acer rubrum (red maple)
Vaccinium/Gaylussacia (blueberry/huckleberry)
Pick-up date: on or after May 16, 2025
Keystone Natives Collection – Spring/Summer Collection price: Members $108 / Non-Members $120
Keystone Natives Collection – Summer/Fall

Keystone plants are valued for their outsized ability to sustain many ecological relationships more than other plants. The collections below and the recommended woody plant companions offer a convenient way to create a wildlife haven in your garden.
Anticipated species:
Penstemon digitalis (foxglove beardtongue)
Panicum virgatum (switchgrass)
Solidago odora (licorice goldenrod)
Monarda fistulosa (wild bergamot)
Symphyotrichum cordifolium (blue wood aster)
Pycnanthemum muticum (mountain mint)
Helianthus divaricatus (woodland sunflower)
Eutrochium dubium (coastal plain Joe Pye weed)
Recommended woody plant companions (sold separately; see Plant List for availability):
Quercus sp. (oaks)
Betula sp. (birches)
Prunus serotina (black cherry)
Juniperus virginiana (eastern red cedar)
Rosa carolina (Carolina rose)
Pick-up date: on or after May 23, 2025
Keystone Natives Collection – Summer/Fall Collection price: Members $108 / Non-Members $120
Spring Ephemerals Collection

Focused on the Northeast’s fabulous spring ephemerals, this collection includes species that are among the first to bloom and usually go dormant by midsummer – as the rest of the garden comes alive.
Anticipated species:
Allium tricoccum (ramps, wild leek)
Dicentra canadensis (squirrel corn)
Erythronium americanum (trout lily)
Mertensia virginica (Virginia bluebells)
Sanguinaria canadensis (blood-root)
Podophyllum peltatum (mayapple)
Trillium erectum (red trillium)
Trillium grandiflorum (white trillium)
Pick-up date: Apr 12 - 20, 2025 (Garden in the Woods), Apr 25 - May 4, 2025 (Nasami Farm)
Spring Ephemerals Collection price: Members $100.80 / Non-Members $112
Curtis Woodland Spring Collection

This collection features selections from the iconic Curtis Woodland Garden at Garden in the Woods. With the recommended woody plant companions, you can bring some of the magic of this space into your own garden.
Anticipated species:
Stylophorum diphyllum (Celandine poppy)
Tiarella cordifolia (foam-flower)
Asarum canadense (Canada wild ginger)
Phlox stolonifera “Blue Ridge” (creeping phlox)
Phlox divaricata ”Blue Moon” (woodland phlox)
Uvularia grandiflora (bellwort)
Adiantum pedatum (maidenhair fern)
Polystichum acrostichoides (Christmas fern)
Recommended woody plant companions (sold separately; see Plant List for availability):
Rhododendron minus (Piedmont rhododendron)
Rhododendron vaseyi (pink shell azalea)
Rhododendron calendulaceum (flame azalea)
Benthamidia florida (flowering big-bracted dogwood)
Magnolia virginiana (sweet bay)
Pick-up date: on or after May 16, 2025
Curtis Woodland Spring Collection price: Members $99 / Non-Members $110
Pollinators’ Feast Collection

Bee, butterfly, hummingbird and songbird magnets, the plants in this collection are sure to have your garden buzzing! (Want to devote a large area to pollinator plants? Check out our Pollinator Kits for a larger selection of plug-sized plants.)
Anticipated species:
Achillea millefolium (common yarrow)
Asclepias incarnata (swamp milkweed)
Eupatorium perfoliatum (boneset thoroughwort)
Monarda fistulosa (wild bergamot)
Penstemon digitalis (foxglove beardtongue)
Pycnanthemum muticum (mountain mint)
Solidago odora (licorice goldenrod)
Symphyotrichum cordifolium (blue wood aster)
Pick-up date: on or after June 6, 2025
Pollinators’ Feast Collection price: Members $108 / Non-Members $120
Meadow Collection – For Dry and Sunny Spots

The plants in this collection are drought-tolerant and grow in full sun. Once established, these low-maintenance perennials will provide color and wildlife support for your garden.
Anticipated species:
Helianthus divaricatus (woodland sunflower)
Monarda fistulosa (wild bergamot)
Sorghastrum nutans (Indian grass)
Penstemon digitalis (foxglove beardtounge)
Pycnanthemum tenuifolium (narrow-leaved mountain-mint)
Schizachyrium scoparium (little bluestem)
Solidago nemoralis (gray goldenrod)
Symphyotrichum laeve (smooth American aster)
Pick-up date: on or after June 13, 2025
Meadow Collection – For Dry and Sunny Spots price: Members $108 / Non-Members $120
Meadow Collection – Moisture-Loving Plants

Consistently moist or wet spots in the garden can be challenging, but these tough natives thrive in those conditions.
Anticipated species:
Eutrochium maculatum (spotted Joe Pye weed)
Eupatorium perfoliatum (boneset thoroughwort)
Vernonia noveboracensis (New Tork ironweed)
Doellingeria umbellata (flat topped white aster)
Rudbeckia laciniata (cutleaf coneflower)
Sanguisorba canadensis (Canada burnet)
Thalictrum pubescens (tall meadow-rue)
Verbena hastata (blue vervain)
Pick-up date: on or after June 13, 2025
Meadow Collection – Moisture-Loving Plants price: Members $108 / Non-Members $120
Songbird Collection

Bird-friendly gardens include trees, shrubs, vines, and perennials that host insects and produce fruit, seeds, and nectar, which attracts and sustains local and migratory songbirds. This collection of perennials is intended to complement the recommended woody plant companions. Together, you will help your garden become a haven for songbirds.
Anticipated species:
Panicum virgatum (switchgrass)
Aralia racemosa (American spikenard)
Maianthemum racemosum (feathery false Solomon’s seal)
Fragaria vesca (woodland strawberry)
Rudbeckia laciniata (cutleaf coneflower)
Rubus odoratus (flowering raspberry)
Solidago rugosa (rough leaved goldenrod)
Symphyotrichum novae-angliae (New England aster)
Recommended woody plant companions (sold separately; see Plant List for availability):
Quercus sp.( oaks)
Acer sp. (maples)
Juniperus virginiana (eastern red cedar)
Ilex opaca (American holly)
Vaccinium sp. (blueberries)
Viburnum sp. (viburnums)
Sambucus nigra ssp. canadensis (black elderberry)
Lindera benzoin (spicebush)
Corylus sp. (hazelnut)
Pick-up date: on or after June 13, 2025
Songbird Collection price: Members $113.50 / Non-Members $126
Rain Garden / Bioswale Collection

Only tough native plants can survive being inundated and dried out! This collection of rain garden or bioswale natives helps to manage stormwater runoff while looking beautiful and supporting wildlife.
Anticipated species:
Achillea millefolium (common yarrow)
Asclepias incarnata (swamp milkweed)
Eutrochium dubium (coastal plain Joe Pye weed)
Hibiscus moscheutos (swamp rosemallow)
Panicum virgatum (switchgrass)
Pycnanthemum muticum (mountain mint)
Solidago caesia (wreath goldenrod)
Juncus effusus (soft rush)
Pick-up date: on or after June 13, 2025
Rain Garden / Bioswale Collection price: Members $112.50 / Non-Members $125
Roadside Collection

Tired of looking at that barren, full-sun strip between the sidewalk and the road? Fill it with native plants! This collection includes some of the most drought, salt, and compaction-tolerant plants that the native flora has to offer.
Anticipated species:
Asclepias tuberosa (butterfly milkweed)
Juncus tenuis (path rush) avail as plugs
Ionactis linariifolia (stiff aster)
Pycnanthemum tenuifolium (narrow-leaved mountain-mint)
Opuntia humifusa (eastern prickly pear)
Deschampsia flexuosa (wavy hair grass)
Eragrostis spectabilis (purple love grass)
Solidago sempervirens (seaside goldenrod)
Recommended woody plant companions (sold separately; see Plant List for availability):
Comptonia peregrina (sweetfern)
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (bearberry)
Vaccinium angustifolium (low bush blueberry)
Prunus pumila var depressa (sand cherry)
Pick-up date: on or after June 13, 2025
Roadside Collection price: Members $108 / Non-Members $120
Woodland Moss Garden Collection

Mossy patches in your garden are a delight and an opportunity to display delicate and diminutive plants that might otherwise be swamped or lost in leaf litter or by competition from larger plants. This collection highlights these wee treasures, ideal for planting into moss or consistently open ground.
Anticipated species:
Houstonia caerulea (bluets)
Mitchella repens (partridgeberry)
Gaultheria procumbens (wintergreen)
Epigaea repens (trailing arbutus)
Anemone acutiloba (sharp leaved hepatica)
Adiantum pedatum (maidenhair fern)
Micranthes virginiensis (early saxifrage)
Sedum ternatum (woodland stonecrop)
Pick-up date: on or after June 14, 2025
Woodland Moss Garden Collection price: Members $94.50 / Non-Members $105
Shade Bloom Collection

Are you looking for plants that do well in shade or at woodland edges for color throughout the growing season? Here is a collection for you!
Anticipated species:
Geranium maculatum (wild geranium )
Fragaria vesca (woodland strawberry)
Aralia racemosa (American spikenard)
Symphyotrichum cordifolium (blue wood aster)
Eurybia divaricata (white woodland aster)
Solidago caesia (blue-stem goldenrod)
Solidago flexicaulis (zig zag goldenrod)
Ageratina altissima (white snakeroot)
Pick-up date: on or after May 23, 2025
Shade Bloom Collection price: Members $112.50 / Non-Members $125
Woodland Groundcover Collection

Often what’s underneath is as important as the standout. Whether a true groundcover or an important fill-in shrub, this collection is sure to add woodland interest.
Anticipated species:
Carex pensylvanica (Pennsylvania sedge)
Polystichum acrostichoides (Christmas fern)
Tiarella cordifolia (foam-flower)
Heuchera americana (coralbells)
Podophyllum peltatum (mayapple)
Asarum canadense (Canada wild ginger)
Eurybia macrophylla (big leaf aster)
Adiantum pedatum (maidenhair fern)
Pick-up date: on or after June 13, 2025
Woodland Groundcover Collection price: Members $108 / Non-Members $120
2025 New England Native Plant Pollinator Kits
Our three expertly curated pollinator kits can transform your landscape
Native pollinators need native plants for habitat, and native plants need native pollinators to reproduce. The populations of bees, butterflies, bats, and birds that pollinate all plants are threatened, and the native-plant habitats they depend on are vanishing. But you can help! With our carefully selected mixes of native pollinator plants, you can transform your home landscape into a native plant pollinator oasis that buzzes with life!
Pollinator Kit Overview
- Native Plant Trust offers pollinator kits for pre-order that are tailored to three types of growing conditions:
- Kit 1: Full sun, average to dry soil; well suited to open sites with drier conditions.
- Kit 2: Part sun, moist to dry soil; adaptable to a wide range of conditions including woodlands.
- Kit 3: Full to part sun, moist to occasionally wet soil; ideal for pond shores and other damp sites.
- This downloadable table provides details about the plants included in each kit. Each plant species designated as a HOST supports five or more native butterfly or moth species during their larval stage. (Kit contents may vary slightly from what appears in the table, based on last-minute variables.)
- Each kit is packaged in a single tray, containing 50 plug-sized plants (7 species) selected to produce a cascade of bloom throughout the season and habitat for particular pollinators at all stages of their life cycles. Beginning in 5-inch-deep plug cells, these plants should mature to fill a space approximately 75 square feet or larger, depending on what is growing there already and the desired planting density.
- All plants in our kits are started from seed native to our region to ensure high genetic diversity.
- Our plug kits deliver faster results than gardens started from seed, because you start with well-developed plants with deep, healthy root systems that establish quickly.
- We use biological controls rather than chemicals as our first line of defense against pests. We use no systemic pesticides, such as neonicotinoids.
- After you place an order, we will send you instructions on how to prepare the soil so that it will be ready for planting when you receive your kits. For best results, please follow our instructions on how to prepare your site and care for the plants as they become established.
Pollinator Kit Pricing and Ordering
- Pricing: $200/each. Native Plant Trust members save 10%.
- Quantities are limited and kits often sell out—pre-order yours now! Pick-up starts in mid-June.
- To order, email our plant sales team at Include your name, phone number, and email address, and specify kit type, quantity, and pick-up location (Garden in the Woods or Nasami Farm).
- Our team will then create and send you a quote. To reserve your kit, accept your quote and pay the required 100% deposit.
- The plants sales team will email you when your kit is ready for pickup.
- For more information about pre-ordering, see the box “How to Shop for Plants,” above.
From choosing plants to buying gift cards, we have answers
Q: Where can I get some advice about which plants will work best in my yard?
A: We have some great tools for you! Our Garden Plant Finder is a helpful tool you can use to develop lists of plants that will thrive in your garden’s conditions. This year's plant lists contain a Garden Plant Finder link to each species. For color-illustrated handbooks with full plant descriptions, we recommend our books, The Northeast Native Plant Primer: 235 Plants for an Earth-Friendly Garden or Native Plants for New England Gardens. You can buy them online on the Books by Our Experts page. Once we open for the season, we look forward to helping you in person. Until then, we can help you with pre-orders and answer questions by email and phone. Since we are working remotely much of this time, it is best to email with questions. If you would like us to phone you, please let us know the best times to reach you.
Q: How do I purchase a gift card?
A: Call us with recipient and payment information. We’ll mail it to you or the recipient. To order, call the Garden Shop at Garden in the Woods: 774-301-8465. Gift cards may be redeemed for merchandise and plants at Garden in the Woods and Nasami Farm.
Q: How do I select plants for a specific purpose?
A: Access our tip sheets for plants with helpful attributes for native plant gardening.
Q: I want my fruiting plant to bear fruit. Do I need two plants (male & female) for fruiting?
A: To fruit, some plants (monoecious) can pollinate themselves. Others (dioecious) need a male and female of the same species nearby and a pollinator to move the pollen
from one plant to the second. Without pollination, flowers may bloom but won't produce fruit. Self-pollinating plants have male and female parts and can pollinate
themselves, so they don't need a separate male plant. Two genetically distinct plants are recommended for cross-pollination.
Q: What can I do about aphids, fungus and other pests?
A: Insects—both beneficial ones and harmful ones—evolved to interact with plants. But don’t immediately reach for an insecticide! First, observe and learn more about who has a relationship with your plant. Then decide whether the damage to your plant can be accepted and where your threshold lies before you take action. Once you reach your threshold of tolerance, start with physical means (i.e., pick them off, remove infected leaves, etc.), then escalate to nontoxic plant-based sprays before turning to harsher chemicals , as a last resort. Gardening with natives includes allowing your plants to be food for others!
Q: Why don't you sell rare, threatened, and endangered plants?
A: There are many reasons why a plant may be of conservation concern in the wild, from growing at the edge of its range, needing very specific habitats that are becoming ever more scarce, to growing nowhere else in the world (endemism). But the answer to securing rare plants in the wild is not as easy as simply growing more of them. Plant conservationists are careful about what gets introduced back into natural spaces, ultimately because they do not want to cause harm to the plants that remain. For this reason, we do not sell rare, threatened, or endangered plants, because unintentional harm to a nearby population may result from a backyard planting. We also do not wish to support the illegal harvest of seed or plants from the wild to satisfy a collector or rare plant enthusiast. Native Plant Trust choses to abide by a high standard of ethics when sourcing its plants and feel morally obligated to provide positive benefits to the environment through the use of native plants, rather than causing harm.
Q: What is Native Plant Trust doing—and what can I do—to prevent the spread of jumping worms?
A: Jumping worms (a.k.a. snake worms, crazy worms) are now widespread and spreading aggressively throughout the Northeast. These invasive earthworms are noticeably larger than the established earthworms and thrash violently when disturbed. Their presence is also marked by piles of grapenut-sized castings (feces). Damage caused by jumping worms includes devouring leaf litter that regenerates soil and over-aerating the soil, causing nutrients to leach out, roots to loosen, and soil to erode.
What Native Plant Trust is doing to prevent the spread of jumping worms:
● All wood chips and compost used at Garden in the Woods are produced on site.
● We use new plastic pots for most of the plants we sell. We clean and sanitize any reused pots.
● Nasami Farm nursery staff place all seedlings on raised benches or on landscape fabric inside the greenhouses.
● At both locations, our potting mix comes bagged, and we do not store it on the ground.
● We check plant deliveries from our wholesale growing partners on arrival, and staff regularly monitor the plant-sales area for signs of jumping worms. Our wholesale collaborators are taking similar measures.
● We display plants on raised platforms when possible.
● Throughout the season, plant-sales staff remove plants from pots to check soil and roots, and they inspect all pre-orders before customers pick up their plants.
What you can do:
● Learn to identify jumping worms (resources below) and look for signs in your yard and garden (large castings, disappearing leaf litter, and loosely rooted plants). The best time to look for adult worms is late summer through early fall. The resource links below provide more information.
● Do a “mustard pour” to see if you have worms: Mix 1/3 cup dry mustard seed powder with 1 gallon of water and slowly pour into your soil. This agitates any worms present and forces them to the surface.
● If you find jumping worms, place them in a sealed plastic bag in the sun for 10 minutes, then dispose of the bag in the trash.
● Check the roots and soil of purchased plants before you plant. To be sure you are not bringing cocoons (dark, poppy-seed sized) into your garden, use a bucket of water to clean soil from plant roots and then dispose of that soil waste in a plastic bag.
● Clean your shoes before and after walking in the woods, parks, and public gardens.
See these university extension websites or more information:
Special Pricing
Are you a member, landscape professional, or buying for a nonprofit organization?
Follow these steps to receive discounts on your plants:
- Native Plant Trust members: Members receive 10% off purchases of plants and other merchandise at our shops. Members also receive deeper discounts on sale items. If you would like to become a member, or renew your membership, click here:Native Plant Trust Membership. Be sure to inform the sales staff when placing your pre-order or shopping in person.
- Nonprofit organizations: Register with Native Plant Trust and provide proof of nonprofit status to receive a discount on plant purchases, exemption from sales tax, and authorization to pay via purchase order.
- Landscape Professionals: Register with Native Plant Trust to receive a discount on plant purchases.
Custom-grown Plugs
We grow plugs on contract for large design projects, restorations, and nurseries
At Nasami Farm nursery in Whately, MA, we grow native plant plugs from seed harvested sustainably from healthy, well-established wild populations throughout the region. Our goal is to ensure genetic diversity and resilience in ecosystems facing change. For contract orders, we suggest a minimum order of four trays, which contain 50 plants of a single species per tray. Download our contract-growing info sheet.
To begin a custom-grow project, please email Nursery Manager Alexis Doshas ( early in your planning.