Celebrating 125 Years: Native Plant Trust

Our Nursery

Nasami Farm

We grow and sell New England native plants

Set on 75 acres in the Connecticut River Valley of western Massachusetts, Nasami Farm grows New England native plants from seed that we harvest sustainably from healthy, well-established wild populations throughout the region. Our goal is ensuring genetic diversity to offset the clones sold by traditional nurseries and to build resilience into a landscape facing change. We feed our plants with organic fertilizer and use biological controls rather than chemicals as our first line of defense against pests. We use no systemic pesticides, such as neonicotinoids.

We focus on propagation and research to bring different and hard-to-grow native plants into production. In addition to propagating plants for our two Garden Shops, we also work with the Conservation staff and contract with other organizations to cultivate plants for the restoration of wild habitats. And, in our classroom, we also offer year-round classes in native plant horticulture and botany.

For home gardeners and professionals, the Nasami Farm Garden Shop offers an extraordinary variety of native plants during the growing season. The classroom and the seasonal Garden Shop are the only parts of Nasami Farm open to the public.

Please note: We have new phone numbers and an upgraded our phone system! Now when you call our switchboard (413-397-9922), you will get a recording with a new staff directory. Between late April and early October, you will now be able to reach the Garden Shop team separately at 413-241-5614. For other new Native Plant Trust phone numbers, see the Contact Us page.

We are located at 128 North Street, Whately, MA 01373. The exit on I-90 for I-91 is #45. The exit on I-91 for Conway/Rt. 116, which takes you to Nasami Farm, is #35. If driving southbound on I-91, the same exit is #36.

Why We Grow Native Plants from Seed

Nursery Manager Alexis Doshas explains.

Conventional Nurseries Are Exacerbating the Spread of Invasive Species

Researchers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst recently published a pair of papers that, together, provide the most detailed maps to date of how 144 common invasive plants species will react to 2º C of climate change in the eastern U.S.

Experiment Boosts Production of Pennsylvania Sedge by 600%

Discovering how to increase seed-grown production of a popular turf-grass alternative

The Five Hundred Yard Field Trip

Nasami Farm is proud to be a participating nursery for The Five Hundred Yard Field Trip, a free ecology curriculum aligned with the science standards in MA, VT, NH, and NY that allows teachers to seamlessly incorporate the study of native plants into their life science lessons.

We are producing kits that are designed to suit the Pussytoes Project and Caterpillarpalooza course plans. If you are part of a school and interested in purchasing one of these kits, click here to find more information and place an order.

We have finished our orders for the 2024 season and will post more information later in 2025.


Our Garden Shop

Closed for the season
Native Plant Trust
members-only opening:
Friday April 25
Public opening:
Saturday, April 26

*Please call or email the
Garden Shop at Garden
in the Woods with plant
orders and questions
until we reopen in April:

To order gift cards year-
round or ask plant-related
questions in the off season,
call the Garden Shop at
Garden in the Woods:

Nasami plant-sales
(in season only):

Proceeds from sales
help support our mission.


Want a Workout?

Volunteer to help our plant sales staff unload plant shipments, and you'll get more exercise than you would at the gym. And you'll earn a 25 percent plant order discount! Opportunities to help begin on March 12 at Garden in the Woods and at Nasami Farm on April 14. Interested? Email shopadmin
@nativeplanttrust.org with your contact details and info about your availability.

Photo: Blood-root (Sanguinaria canadensis) display, Nasami Farm plant sales, Jane Roy Brown © Native Plant Trust


Contract Growing

We grow plugs on contract for the nursery trade, habitat restoration, and large design projects. Please email Alexis Doshas early in your planning.

Volunteers needed

Volunteer at Nasami Farm

Nasami Farm staff members rely on the generous help of volunteers. To apply to become a volunteer, please fill out this form. Questions? Email Nursery Coordinator (Karen) Miho Connolly: kconnolly @NativePlantTrust.org.


We Run on Sun

Solar panels on Nasami's main building make this LEED Gold site even greener, thanks to generous supporters. One month's carbon offset: 1.66 tons, or 43 trees.