Celebrating 125 Years: Native Plant Trust

Member Events

Especially for You

Events bring members together to share their passion for plants

From open houses to our Leadership Summit, exciting events are yours to enjoy, depending on your level of membership. View details of all membership benefits on our main Membership web page. To RSVP for events or ask a question, please call 774-519-5553 or 774-519-5570; or email specialevents@NativePlantTrust.org.

Winter Walking Resumes

We invite personal members to explore Garden in the Woods during some of its most peaceful times of the year. Hours are Monday to Friday, 9:30 a.m.–3:30 p.m. Reservations are required. Email membership@NativePlantTrust.org or call 774-519-5553 to book your slot. Schedule may change due to inclement weather or during holiday weeks.

Penstemon hirsutus blossoms_UliLorimer.jpeg

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Hands reaching

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